Thursday, March 25, 2010

Homeless Link -social care

I am posting this press realise from Homeless Link as I feel it highlights an aspect of social care that seams to be in danger of being overshadowed by the debate on how we fund long term elderly care in the UK

While the following deals with the housing and linked issues other vital support services such as Adult Autism could also be overshadowed.

Homeless Link calls for the protection of services for the most vulnerable
25 March 2010
Homeless Link, the national organisation for agencies working to end homelessness, hopes that as the details of the public expenditure cuts become clearer after yesterday's Budget, protection will be given to those services for the most vulnerable.

Our recent Survey of Needs and Provision ( found that almost half of the homelessness organisations who took part indicated that funding pressures and predicted decommissioning of services threaten their services. These findings are reinforced by a survey from the Charity Commission released on 24th March 2010, which highlights the vulnerability of the voluntary sector to spending cuts.

Jenny Edwards, Chief Executive of Homeless Link said, "The homelessness sector is now completely indispensable in ensuring that the most vulnerable people in society are supported and become positive and active contributors within local communities. It is vital that the need to make savings does not result in all the investment of recent years being wasted."

We urge those making the decisions to minimise the impact of public expenditure cuts on the most vulnerable, particularly those for whom there is no statutory entitlement to support.

Homeless Link welcomes the Budget's increase in the tax on high alcohol cider. Our members see every day the negative impact and deterioration in health of homeless people caused by super strength alcoholic drinks. We would like to see this extended to high alcohol lager.


  1. hi
    Survey hope you noticed survey was about single homeless people,and couples without dependant children..and Most hostels for homeless in England wont except couples together,ever thought why you see homeless couples on the street better stay together on street that apart in a hostel,because get less money in hostel for a couple,than a single person,so as far as charity is concerned..for WHO...
    been there,done that...
    and had the mental health problem..
    thanks to charity

  2. footnote on couples,please read Homeless link page on much for jioned up thinking when lot of the members of Homeless link discriminate against the right to have a realationship ie..couples
    So goes without saying Charitys are triyng to end homelessness,are falling at first hurdle..
    end homelessness by 2012... for who..
    its a 700 million homeless industry a year..
    regards on behalf the steet homeless,and others that have lived,and survived charity

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