Numerous people have asked me if there is a definitive simple guide to carers assessments , the answer is NO !
But here is my quick guide to the subject .
A simple guide to a carers assessment
What is a Carer's Assessment?
A Carer's Assessment is a chance for you to talk openly about your needs so you can get the right sort of help. You may not feel that you need help now but would like to plan for the future.
Having a Carer's assessment does not mean that you have failed or are losing control; it gives you the opportunity to:
• describe the help you are giving
• talk about how caring affects your life, for example, your health, your relationships with others, finances, employment, training, education and leisure time
• discuss any difficulties you have
• talk about the needs of the person you care for and the services they have or you feel they should have, for example, equipment and adaptations, home care, day services
• be given information, advice and other help, for example, what would happen in an emergency, how to get a break, other services such as direct payments.
Can I have a Carer's Assessment?
You have the absolute legal right to a Carer's Assessment if you are providing regular and substantive care for someone for whom social services provide, or could provide, services or who is on the Care Programme Approach because of their mental health problems.
You can have a Carer's Assessment even if the person you care for refuses a social services assessment or services for themselves.
What happens at a Carer's Assessment?
A social worker, Careers support worker or other social care or health professional will arrange to visit you and listen to what you have to say, ask what you want to happen, and list the needs they can help with.
You will be given a written plan of the support you will have, and a daytime and emergency contact number.
You will be told when your needs as a Carer will be looked at again - this review should be within 12 months if the person you are caring for is receiving services.
What difference will the Assessment make?
You should receive the help that has been agreed with your worker so that you are able to continue caring if this is what you want to do
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