Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lets make Social care law simple

The law and duties covering social care provided by councils in England and Wales need simplifying its a real pigs ear of legislation so its great news that the Law Commission, which advises the government on law reform, said the current system, incorporating 39 different acts, is confusing.

The Law Commission wants to see a streamlining of duties covering issues such as assessments, investigations and decision-making.

It comes as social care has risen to the top of the political agenda so now is the time to make your views clear to your MP

Friday, February 19, 2010

NHS hospital may be privately run

Five private health providers (BUT NO NHS PROVIDERS ) are still vying to manage Hinchingbrooke district general in Cambridgeshire.

So does this amounted to the privatisation of the service ? well in the strictest sense of the word yes but is that a bad thing ?

You could say its a "dangerous experiment" involving bidders with no experience of running an NHS hospital but then again all the providers are said to have a proven track record in health care and the health authority's director of strategy, Stephen Dunn, said all the companies in the contest had provided elective surgery, such as knee and hip replacements, to NHS patients in treatment centres.

He said: "The NHS remains firmly part of this process. Staff and assets will remain in the NHS. They are not being sold.

But should we be worried that most private sector companies do not know how to run a hospital with intensive care, maternity and emergency services?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Care Plan ( continuing care) by PCT's

I have been directed to the following article

Anger over Norfolk care plan
Last updated: 13/02/2010 08:00:00
The NHS has been accused of splitting families up to save money as part of plans to put people with serious long-term health problems into nursing homes.

The NHS in Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and Waveney is trying to save money on what it calls “continuing care”. A consultation has just started on new policies, which says that in future people will not usually get NHS continuing healthcare at home, only in a nursing home or hospice.

The health trusts say they want to focus on clinical safety, and that it is getting too expensive to provide continuing care. The cost for this care for the year ending in April is expected to be £31.1m, up from £13.2m two years ago, and the changes will save an estimated £1m.

In future people will not be able to have a care option paid for by the NHS if it is more than 20pc more expensive than the cheapest option. This will rule out some nursing homes and will almost always rule out care at home, which costs £8,000 a month on average compared with £4,100 for the average nursing home.

The changes apply to people who get NHS continuing healthcare because their “primary need” has been judged to be healthcare, not social care like help with getting up, washing or eating. People who have care from social services rather than NHS care will not be affected.


So the question is how long before this becomes a nation wide approach to this issue by all PCT's ?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

carers save £87 billion

Carers save the country £87 Billion a year ! well that’s a figure which most people will find hard to equate so ?

It would buy 87,478,587,800 buggers !!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Spending cuts in social care ?

We all know that social care services can ill afford spending cuts.

The current system is unfair and underfunded with widespread unmet need. It is also unsustainable due to the increasing demands and expectations of our ageing population, and more people living longer with disabilities and dementia.

The budget pressures on councils will intensify in the face of this growing need and worse is to come: to top it all off, the budget deficit means local authorities are expected to make very considerable cuts in spending and with a general election in the offing things will only get worse .

Today we have seen savage cuts in University funding , how long I wonder before the same happens to social care ?